Cookie Statement

Version January 2023

1. General information

YYGGames is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone who uses our websites and applications. This cookie statement - the "Global Cookie Statement", or in short "Cookie Statement" - now applies to all countries outside the EU and UK. It is designed to provide transparency into YYGGames's privacy practices and principles. It provides information on the data that we collect from our website visitors and sets out how cookies and similar technologies are used via YYGGames Websites (,,,,,,,,, . In addition, some background information on cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, is provided.

YYGGames ("we", "our" or "us") is involved with and responsible for the processing of your data via the YYGGames Websites. For more information on how YYGGames handles your data in this regard and your privacy rights, please refer to YYGGames's Privacy Statement .

Please note that YYGGames may update this Cookie Statement from time to time. If YYGGames makes important changes, we will let you know. You can of course also check this Cookie Statement to ensure that you are aware of the most updated version.

* Please note that we determine from which region you visit our website based on your IP-address, thus if you use a VPN-connection, you may not be shown the Cookie Statement applicable to you.

2. What are cookies?

Cookies.  Cookies are small bits of data that can be placed on your computer, tablet, smartphone or other electronic "device" with which you can use the internet via a web browser. When a website is visited, the website can place these cookies on your device via your web browser. Examples of web browsers are: Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome and Opera.

There are two different categories of cookies:

  • First party cookies. Cookies which YYGGames places on your device for its own purposes.
  • Third party cookies. Cookies placed by or for an external/third party (e.g. other company). Usually these are cookies for the purpose of advertisement and tracking (see below). Vice versa, YYGGames may also obtain cookie information obtained by third parties when you visit other websites.

Purpose of cookies. After a cookie is placed on your device, your device can be recognized as you browse through the YYGGames Websites via the same web browser. This will for instance enable the YYGGames Websites to 'remember' your language settings, which games you played and your progress in these games. If these cookies are placed by a third-party, such third-party can (also) use the cookie for the same purposes.

For more information on cookies, please refer to the website .

Lifecycle of cookies. After a cookie is placed on a device, it is only valid for a certain period.

  • Default period. After the validity period of a cookie passes, the cookie is automatically removed by the web browser.The validity period varies per cookie. For example, some cookies are only valid during the browser session. Other cookies can also recognize your device if you visit the YYGGames Websites during a new browser session, e.g. for half a month after being placed.
  • Early deletion/refusal of cookies. You can choose to delete a cookie manually before its validity period has passed. You can also decide to refuse the cookies which may only be used with your consent. For more information on this, please see the section below: "How can you manage cookies and cookie settings?".

Similar technologies. In addition to cookies, other techniques can also be used for similar purposes, such as:

  • HTML5 Local Storage. HTML5 Local Storage and local shared objects can be used for the same purposes as cookies.
  • Web beacons. Web beacons (also called "tags" or "tracking pixels") are bits of programming code that can be included in web pages, emails, and ads. Web beacons can notify the user when those web pages, emails, or ads have been viewed or clicked on by you.

Below, when we speak of "cookies", we also mean the similar technologies described above, unless we say otherwise.

3. What type of cookies do we use?

YYGGames uses three types of cookies on the YYGGames Websites: (1) functional cookies, (2) analytical cookies and (3) advertising cookies.

3.1 Functional cookies.

  • Definition: Functional cookies are essential for the proper layout and navigation of a website. It concerns cookies (1) that are placed with the sole purpose of facilitating communication over an electronic communication network or (2) that are strictly necessary for providing you with the information-society service as requested by you.
  • No consent required: Depending on the applicable law, functional cookies may be placed without your consent. You can object to these cookies via your browser settings (see below).

3.2 Analytical cookies.

  • Definition: Analytical cookies are used to analyze and map the use of a certain website, so that the quality and/or effectiveness of YYGGames's services can be improved.
  • Not always consent required: Depending on the applicable law, YYGGames does not need your consent to place cookies for obtaining information about the quality or effectiveness of a provided information-society service (analytical cookies), if this will have little or no impact on your private life. In certain jurisdictions - for example the member states of the EU - we need your consent for the use of certain analytical cookies. If required, we will ask for your consent.

3.3 Advertising cookies.

  • Definition Advertising/targeting cookies are cookies which are used to analyze user activity and sessions and allows parties to deliver a more personalized experience. Advertising cookies are mainly set by the third parties with whom YYGGames runs advertising campaigns. This enables YYGGames to serve ads that are relevant to you.
  • Consent required: Depending on the applicable law, we may need your consent to use advertising cookies. This is for instance case within the member states of the EU. If required, we will ask for your consent to place advertising cookies.

4. Who places which cookies?

4.1 YYGGames cookies

Some cookies are placed directly by YYGGames or on behalf of YYGGames. This concerns all functional cookies, some analytical cookies and advertising cookies. A full overview of the cookies placed via your browser can be found via our Cookie Consent Module - if available in your region -, or via your browser's Developer Tools which you can open with ctrl+shift+i on Windows or cmd+shift+i on Mac.

4.2 Google Analytics

YYGGames Websites make use of Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting. We may also make use of other Google Analytics for Display Advertising features, including Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting and/or the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration. We are required by Google to disclose the following information to you in our Privacy Statement in connection with our use of any Google Analytics for Display Advertising features:
You may opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising or customize Google Display Network ads by using the Google Ads Settings page . You may also prevent your data from being collected and used by Google Analytics by opting out through the use of the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on .
If YYGGames Websites make use of the Google Analytics for Display Advertising Remarketing feature, YYGGames Websites will use such Remarketing feature to advertise online and third party vendors, including Google, may show YYGGames Websites ads on sites across the Internet.
YYGGames Websites and third party vendors, including Google, may use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) and third party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together to inform, optimize and serve ads based on a user's past visits to YYGGames Websites, and/or (b) report how your ad impressions, other uses of ad services, and interactions with these ad impressions and ad services are related to visits to YYGGames Websites.

4.3 Externally hosted games and other websites

This Cookie Statement only applies to cookies that are used when you visit the YYGGames Websites. YYGGames is in no way responsible for cookies that are placed by and for other parties when you visit another webpage, also not if you are referred to such website from the YYGGames Websites. To enable you to make a conscious choice in this respect, we do include a banner if you play a game via our website that is hosted on a third-party website. This banner informs you that you are about to access a third-party website.

If you want to know more about any of the cookies used via our website or the organizations we work with in this respect, please feel free to contact us via .

5. How can you manage cookies and cookie settings?

Browser settings. For most internet browsers it is possible to adjust the browser settings in such a way that you receive a warning before a cookie is placed. In most cases it is also possible to configure your browser to refuse all cookies or only third-party cookies. Furthermore, you can delete cookies which are already placed. Please keep in mind that it is necessary to adjust these settings separately on very different browser and computer you use.

Cookie settings website.  In certain jurisdictions - for example the member states of the EU and UK - we need your consent for the use of certain analytical cookies and/or advertising cookies. In case you are located in one of these jurisdictions, you can provide your consent or amend your cookie settings on the YYGGames Websites via this icon:⚙️. There, you can for instance choose whether:

  • Your precise geolocation and information about device characteristics can be used;
  • Advertisement and content performance can be measured and can be personalized based on a profile;
  • Data can be used to build or improve user experience, systems and software; and whether
  • Cookies, device identifiers, or other information can be stored or accessed on your device for the purposes presented to you.

Via the cookie settings, you can also change for which purposes your data obtained via cookies may exactly be used, and/or specify per organization whether they are allowed to use your data or not.

Functioning of the Website. If you choose to block or delete certain cookies, it is possible the YYGGames Websites or functions on this website do not work properly anymore. Deleting or refusing cookies also does not mean you will no longer see advertisements. However, as a result of disabling cookies, the advertisements shown may be less relevant to you.

How to change or delete cookie settings in your browser. For your convenience we included links on how to change cookie settings on the most used internet browsers:

How to change cookies setting in Google Chrome
How to change cookies setting in Microsoft Edge
How to change cookies setting in Safari
How to change cookies setting in Mozilla Firefox
How to change cookies setting in Opera
How to change cookies setting in Vivaldi
How to change cookie settings in Yandex

More information. YYGGames cares about your privacy! Please consider carefully which web browser you use. Some browsers may benefit from sharing your personal data, while others are completely independent. We advise you to research the available web browsers and decide for yourself which browser best suits your interests. Please visit for information on the browser you use and more information on other browsers and browser settings.